Harmonix recently confirmed that Rock Band 4 is in development for PS4 and Xbox One and are giving players the chance to directly request what new songs they would like to see included in the game.
Harmonix have launched a specific page on their website where you can request a new song for Rock Band 4 with no limit to how many songs you want to recommend. Can’t remember what songs the series already features? No problem! You can find the entire list of Rock Band tracks in the Rock Band database.
Having spent several hours killing it on Rock Band during our GameBlast marathon (which you can see highlights of in our GameBlast 2015 video playlist), we’re clearly going to rock whatever tracks do make it into the final Rock Band 4 playlist. But what do we want to see included? Here’s the StickTwiddlers top picks:
Alan’s top pick:
Miracle of Sound – Hard Cash (GTA V Soundtrack)
Alan: “When Rock Band 4 is released, I can picture myself stood in my zebra print media room, clutching my diamond studded, gold plated keytar close and belting out ‘Hard Cash’ by Miracle of Sound. Once I’m done gifting my musical prowess to the world, I’ll get towelled off by my man servant, Bernard, before reclining on my sabretooth fur chais… Chez… Shay… Couch.”*
*Editor’s Note: Alan may or may not have actually said this. Regardless, we all know he’s thinking it.
Ben’s top pick:
Black Out – Video Games
Ben: “Now you’d probably expect me to pick some well-established, legendary hard rocking band, but today I say no! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase some young talent to a massive audience and that’s why I picked the superb track ‘Video Games’ by those wee rascals Black Out. Brutal breakdowns. Heavy riffs. Soaring vocals. It’s got it all.”
“It’s the perfect Rock Band track! It’s a song about playing video games in a video game about playing songs! Plus, you can feel like a total badass playing this on Pro. Unless you fail. Then you should probably not play Rock Band.”
Jamie’s top pick:
George Formby – When I’m Cleaning Windows
Jamie: “If I could have once song included in the new Rock Band game, I would definitely opt for ‘When I’m Cleaning Windows’ as squeaked by George Formby. What could be better than strumming along to the song which made the ukulele cool… For a given value of cool. In fact, Ukulele Band should totally be a thing. There’s a new peripheral for you, Harmonix.”
“This decision is in no way influenced by painkillers and Friday morning vodka.”
Sarah’s top pick:
Taylor Swift – 22
Sarah: “Come on, why would I not pick a Taylor Swift song? I was actually pretty close to having a mental breakdown trying to decide between ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ and ’22’, but in the end I just had to go for ’22’. The guitars are incredibly catchy, and the sassy vocals are so much fun to sing. Trust me on that one. I’ve had many an evening dancing around my flat to it whilst full of gin.”
“Failing that, can we just have a full Taylor Swift DLC pack, please Harmonix?”
Whilst everyone is clearly going to have different opinions on what should make it onto the final tracklist, I’m sure we can all agree on one thing – the StickTwiddlers team should never be left in charge of a pub jukebox.
What song what you like to see included in Rock Band 4? Let us know in the comments below, or hit us up on and Facebook.